
Posts Tagged ‘Gold’

Gold: A Vignette

Gold is purity. It is a heart of true gentleness, unsullied and tainted only with worry.

Gold is passion. It is the band of unbridled love, devotion, and romantic wedding bells.

Gold is victory. Gold is honor and the peak of competition: it is an Olympic medal, the Nobel Prize, a triumph of humanity.

Gold is mourning. An empty cavity of fallen morals and misery trembles under a gilded layer.

Gold is beauty. The color of a sunrise, a lilting melody in the air, and a joyous promise of new beginnings.

Gold is elegance. Flattened, a sheet of  fashionable leaves and stretched out, a fine ductile embroidery.

Gold is surprise. Infuse into glass and see a magical transformation to gold ruby colloid the color of cranberries.

Gold is indulgence. It lines the chain of jewels and garnishes a gourmet dish worth thousands of dollars.

Gold is danger. Heavy blocks and jealous strands give reason to plunder and motive for murder.

Gold is weakness. Without alloys, it bends easily to persuasion and crumbles.

Gold is protection. It coats satellites, insulates engines, and treats cancer.

Gold is history. Ritual and mystery: treasured by Egyptians, dispersed throughout the Mali Empire, hungered for in the Americas.

Rose, blue, white, black: a variety of colors, caratages, and facets. Gold is a temptress rich in both recklessness and reward, one worthy of seduction.

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